3rd Workshop of the AM² Transatlantic partnership: « AM² Consortium on Industry 4.0 - AI and Data Science for Smart Manufacturing »

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The 3rd workshop of the AM² Transatlantic partnership, jointly led by Texas A&M Engineering (TEES) and Arts et Métiers was held in Texas A&M University Campus, College Station, Texas, during Oct 16-18 2019, in presence of Mr Alexis Andres, Consul General of France in Houston. The workshop brought together industry partners of the AM² partnership, several members of the academia, the scientific counsellor at the French Consulate in Houston as well as the leaders of the AM² partnership initiative from TEES & Arts et Métiers.

The workshop built on the extensive research collaborations, education programs, and faculty and students exchange initiatives currently underway between TEES and Arts et Métiers, following the signature of the partnership in November 2017.

This workshop focused on developing an industry-focused AM² Consortium on Industry 4.0 - AI and Data Science for Smart Manufacturing to strengthen this transatlantic partnership.

The 1st workshop was held in College Station, Texas, to initiate the partnership focusing on the R&D and education needs of the industry in smart manufacturing. The second workshop, held in Aix en Provence earlier this year in the presence of 20+ industry leaders, focused on bringing the industry as a partner of the TEES-Arts et Métiers initiative, with focus on AI and data science for Smart Manufacturing and the industry of the future.

This 3rd workshop presented the vision for the AM² Consortium on Industry 4.0, with the creation of a roadmap and business models for its development.

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Développement durable, Témoignage, Entrepreneuriat, Innovation